My Salvation Testimony
I’m grateful to have grown up in a Christian home with godly parents who have discipled me and taught me about God since I was born.
When I was 4 or 5, something clicked in my mind and heart. I remember connecting the dots that I needed God to save me because I was a sinner and would go to hell because I was a sinner, and that terrified me!
One night (right before AWANA), I asked my mom if I could pray a prayer of salvation. Before I went to bed, my mom prayed with me. I don’t remember the exact words, but I’m sure I confessed that I was a sinner, needed Jesus to save me, and needed God to forgive my sins.
For the next several years, I was a good Christian kid who participated in many church activities, tried to be a good witness to my non-believing friends, and gained lots of head knowledge about Christ. By my sophomore year of high school, I knew I wasn’t really growing in my relationship with Christ, nor was I taking my faith seriously.
When I went to my youth group’s retreat that spring, I sensed in my spirit that this was the time to recommit my life to Christ. One of the evenings, my pastor spoke about fruit and how we know we are saved because the Lord works in our lives and produces spiritual fruit.
I looked back on my life and saw some fruit but didn’t feel certain that it hadn’t just come from doing good things because I knew I was supposed to. I wanted to make sure that from that point on, I was fully surrendered to the Lord, truly saved by Him, and living my life for Christ. I talked to my small group leader and said, “I need to reassure my salvation.”
Since that night, I know with absolute certainty that I am the Lord’s, that He has cleansed me with the blood of Jesus, that His Son’s death and resurrection paid the just penalty for all my sins, that I can do and have done nothing to earn this salvation, and that I will go to heaven when I die.
I have experienced the Lord’s redeeming, purifying, and transforming work and have no doubt that I am His loved, forgiven daughter. I live so others will know this assurance too.